About me

As a passionate pipe smoker I started carving pipes in 1993. I make about 300 pipes a year, about half of them are made out of fossilized wood. Additionally I carry out repairs for Austrian specialist shops. My pipes are distinguished by thorough workmanship and accuracy.
I select the wood for my briar pipes together with my woodcutter in Calabria. The fossilized wood I obtain from local archaeological sites.
Characteristic of my pipes
Special attention I turn on accurate workmanship. The following criteria are especially important to me:
- Exact drillings and accurate draft hole
- When pipes are bended, the draft hole in the drilling of the mortise is grinded to the median, therefore
- the pipe cleaner can go through the mouthpiece smoothly
- there arises no swirls in the smoke when the pipe has no filter
- the filter can not block the draft when the pipe has a filter
- The mouthpiece is grinded like a V
- The bit is between 3,9 up to 4,2 mm, according to the size of the pipe (the heavier the “head” of the pipe the thicker is this part).
- Every pipe which is sold under the brand “Prammer handmade in Austria” is for 100% without filler, even if it is rusticated or sandblasted.
The mouthpieces are available in different materials: Indian rubber, cumberland, epoxy or acryl, the latter black or multi-coloured. Of course you can choose the width and the thickness of the front part of the mouthpiece.
If you have questions, concerns or requests please use this form to contact me.
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